Homework 6.1
For this week's homework we will start with a standalone MongoDB database, turn it into a sharded cluster with two shards, and shard one of the collections. We will create a "dev" environment on our local box: no replica sets, and only one config server. In production you would almost always use three config servers and replica sets as part of a sharded cluster. In the final of the course we'll set up a larger cluster with replica sets and three config servers.
Download week6.js from Download Handout link.
Start an initially empty
Connect to it with the shell and week6.js loaded:mongod
database instance.mongo --shell localhost/week6 week6.jsRun
. It will take some time to run as it inserts quite a few documents. When it is done rundb.trades.stats()to check the status of the collection.
At this point we have a single mongod and would like to transform it into a sharded cluster with one shard. (We'll use this node’s existing
data in the cluster.)
Stop the mongod process. Now, restart the mongod process adding the option
. If you started mongod with a --dbpath
option, specify that as well.mongod --shardsvr …
sudo mongod --shardsvr --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb --logpath /var/log/mongodb/mongod00.log --port 27018 --fork --logappend --smallfiles --oplogSize 50
Note that with --shardsvr specified the default port for mongod becomes 27018.
Start a mongo config server:
mongod --configsvr …
sudo mongod --configsvr --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb/configdb --port 27019 --fork --logpath /var/log/mongodb/mongod00.log.cfg0 --logappend
(Note with
specified the default port for listening becomes 27019 and the default data directory /data/configdb. Wherever your data directory is, it is suggested that you verify that the directory is empty before you begin.)
Start a mongos:
mongos --configdb your_host_name:27019Connect to mongos with the shell:
mongo --shell localhost/week6 week6.jsAdd the first shard ("your_host_name:27018").
{ "shardAdded" : "shard0000", "ok" : 1 }
Verify that the week6.trades data is visible via mongos. Note at this point the week6 database isn't "sharding enabled" but its data is still visible via mongos:
> db.trades.find().pretty() > db.trades.count() > db.trades.stats()Run homework.a() and enter the result below. This method will simply verify that this simple cluster is up and running and return a result key.
Result: 1000001
Homework 6.2
Now enable sharding for the week6 database. (See sh.help() for details.)
{ "ok" : 1 }
Then shard the trades collection on the compound shard key ticker plus time. Note to shard a collection, you must have an index on the shard key, so you will need to create the index first:
> db.trades.ensureIndex( { ticker:1, time:1 } ) > // can now shard the trades collection on the shard key { ticker:1, time:1 }
sh.shardCollection("week6.trades",{ ticker:1, time:1 })
After sharding the collection, look at the chunks which exist:
> use config > db.chunks.find() > // or: > db.chunks.find({}, {min:1,max:1,shard:1,_id:0,ns:1})Run homework.b() to verify the above and enter the return value below.
Result : 3
Homework 6.3
Let's now add a new shard. Run another mongod as the new shard on a new port number. Use --shardsvr.
sudo mongod --shardsvr --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb/a1 --logpath /var/log/mongodb/mongod01.log --port 27020 --fork --logappend --smallfiles --oplogSize 50 --journal
Then add the shard to the cluster (see sh.help()).
sh.addShard( "localhost:27020")
You can confirm the above worked by running:
mongos> homework.check1()
db.getSisterDB("config").shards.count() :
There are 2 shards in the cluster as expected
> use config > db.chunks.find( { ns:"week6.trades" }, {min:1,max:1,shard:1,_id:0} ).sort({min:1})and/or:
db.chunks.aggregate( [ { $match : { ns : "week6.trades" } } , { $group : { _id : "$shard", n : { $sum : 1 } } } ] )When done, run homework.c() and enter the result value.That completes this week's homework. However if you want to explore more, something to try would be to try some queries and/or write operations with a single process down to see how the system behaves in such a situation.
Result: 2
Gracias por la ayuda, es muy enriquecedor ver tu procedimiento
ResponderEliminarGracias a ti. Me alegra que te haya servido. Saludos.
ResponderEliminarThanks for sharing as it is an excellent post would love to read your future post
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