miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2015
MongoDB for DBA's 7/7. Backup and Recovery
Chapter 7. BACKUP AND RECOVERY: Security, backups and restoring for backups
Overview of Security
There is a few different ways to run mongoDB and secure it:- To run it in a trusted environment: no one has access except for clients. They have full access to the database. "lock down at the network layer the relevant TCP ports for the processes on the machines
- Enable mongodb authentication with two command line options:
- --auth : for securing client connections and access
- --keyFile: intracluster security: the machines in the cluster authenticating each other among themselves. You can also optionally layer SSL atop it. To gain encryption of all the communications occurring you have to compile Mongo with the --SSL make option to do that. More information on the SSL: docs.mongodb.org/manual/administration/ssl
To run MongoDB with encryption over the wire, you need to:
Security continued: Authentication and Authorization
- Authentication: there are a differents forms supported by mongodb:
- mongodb challenge response (original authentication mechanism in the product) with usernames and passwords that are actually stored by the cluster.
- using X.509 (SSL-style certificates and authentication)
- Kerberos (only in Enterprise edition)
- LDAT (only in Enterprise edition)
- Authorization: access control where you are logged in
- encryption: It's possible to run mongodb cluster using SSL and encryption for all the communications through the cluster
- network setup: making sure the nodes are not accessible on the mongodb ports from servers or clients that are not allowed to use the cluster. For example, locking it down not being visible from the public internet
- auditing: it is not free, only available via mongodb suscription in enterprise edition
To turn on the security facilities we can use the option command line --auth:
mongod --dbpath dtabase --auth
mongo localhost/test --> let you connect to mongodb database on localhost because there is not authentication configured yet for the cluster. We have not created any users or roles yet.
To create users and roles, we have to switch to the Admin database (reserved name because it is a special database which includes the users and roles for administrators):
<dbname>.system.users for eache database
admin database is special:
mongodb challenge response with usernames and passwords
use admin
var me = { user : "bob", pwd : "robert", roles : [ "userAdminAnyDatabase" ] }
db.createUser( me )
at that moment any try to access database is not authorized because we have not authenticated as that user we just created yet. And also these user will not have any privileges to reading or writing to databases, only for database administration.
mongod localhost/admin -u bob -p robert
var you = { user : "will", roles : [ "readWriteAnyDatabase" ] }
db.createUser( you )
mongod localhost/admin -u will
We can create users that have permissions for specific database.
Quick summary of some of the standard roles that are available from v2.6+:
- read: read any database
- readWrite: read and write any database
- dbAdmin: db Admin any database
- userAdmin: admin any database
- clusterAdmin: gives one authorization to use the cluster-related mongodb commands: adding a shard and managing replica sets, etc...
You can also create custom that are user-define roles. More information on the built-in roles in the mongodb documentation: docs.mongodb.org/manual/security
--auth on the command line: when we are working with a sharded cluster or replica set, we will use another parameter called --keyFile <filename>: to tell the processes making up the cluster, the mongod and mongs processes how to authenticate amnong themselves inter-cluster. The filename will contain a shared secret key that all members of the cluster have available to them to cross-authenticate so the can coordinate their actions. If we use keyFile, it implies off, but it is recommended that we list both out explicitly in the config file or command line
Which of the following do you need to run with --auth in order to run your system with authentication?
SSL and Keyfiles
- The --keyFile option assures that the members of the cluster are all legitimate and authenticated as legal members of the cluster. We would have clients which talk to the cluster and clients applications which also talk to the cluster via mongo drivers. A member of a cluster is basically a server process that have full privileges to do sort of things. The key is really authentication rather than authorization.
- The --auth command line option enables the security mechanisms for validating:
- authenticating the client and
- authorizating the client to access a particular database.
In both cases, the traffic that is occurring is not encrypted in terms of data transfer over the TCP sockets in use, however they are authenticated and the initial authentication hand shake is secure. The password or the key used for authentication does not go over the wire unencrypted.
We can use SSL with mongo but it does require us to build it ourself using scons--ssl.
more information at docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/configure-ssl
Which are true?
Security and Clients
mongod --dbpath database --authusers are created per database
There are a cuple different kinds of users in terms of the system authorizations.
- Admin users:
- can perform admin operations
- are created in the admin database
- can access all databases, they ares super user
- Regular users
- access a specific database
- can be read/write or read only
use admin --> switch to the special admin database
{ user: "<name>", pwd: "<cleartext password>", customData: { <any information> }, roles: [ { role: "<role>", db: "<database>" } | "<role>", ... ] }userAdmin = { user: "theAdmin", pwd : "admin" }
db.createUSer( userAdmin )
db.auth( "theAdmin" , "admin" ) --> only for admin database. We can have the same username in two different databases with different passwords.
To create a user for a specific database:
use test
db.createUSer( "pat", "123" ) --> by default it has write permission.
All the drivers provide APIs where you can provide credentiasl to authenticate the client as a particular user when connecting to the database.
Roles are much more finely grained, and custom user permissions can be created. More information at docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/built-in-roles
To create a user for a specific database:
use test
db.createUSer( "pat", "123" ) --> by default it has write permission.
All the drivers provide APIs where you can provide credentiasl to authenticate the client as a particular user when connecting to the database.
Roles are much more finely grained, and custom user permissions can be created. More information at docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/built-in-roles
For MongoDB 2.2 and 2.4, which are true?
Intra-cluster Security
XTo use the -keyFile option, we need to put into a file a key, which is a text string made out of base64 legal character, so upper and lower case letters, a few symbols and numbers or what are legal but it is very interesting that put a strong password.In mongoDB 2.6, --auth is implied by --keyFile.
mongod --dbpath data1 --auth --replSet abc --keyFile filename.txt
mongod --port 27002 --dbpath data2 --auth --replSet abc --keyFile filename.txt
> rs.status() { "ok" : 0, "errmsg" : "not authorized on admin to execute command { replSetGetStatus: 1.0 }", "code" : 13 } >We need to log in as adminitrator to use that administrative command
Overview of Backing Up
Methods to backup in mongodb for individual replica set or an individual server:- mongodump utility: make a dump of all databases on a given server or particular database.
- filesystem snapshot
- backup from a secondary so from a replica set secondary
- shut down, copy files and restart
Make a dump of all databases on a given server or particular database.- Use the --oplog option.
- It can be done while the system servicing normal load and operations but it creates some additional load on the system
- mongorestore utility: to restore from backup later if we needed to. Use the oplogReplay option : it will allow you to achieve a true point in time snapshot for the particular replica set we are dumping
Which process would you use to reload data after using mongodump?
Filesystem Snapshotting
If we have a true snapshot capability, this is a good option for a mongod instance that it is up and running and hot:- we will need journaling enabled: used for crash recovery in the event of an unexpected crash of a Mongod also mean that any snapshot which includes the journal, will be valid if it is a true point in time snapshot by the underlying file system
- if journaling is not enabled, what would happen is you will getting a snapshot from a point in time where it is possible that an operation was mid-streamed in terms of its rights to data files and it would not be necessarily consistent
- we need a snapshotting of the entire data directory and file system
- we could use a feature called db.fsyncLock : it will flush everything to disk and then lock the system, preventing writes
Snapshots ares generally very fast.
Backing Up a Sharded Cluster
When we use sharding, we back up each shard individually and also the config servers. Steps for backing up a sharded cluster:- turn off the balancer: because it moves data around and if there are chunk migrations in progress during our backup that could be problematic. In the shell, we would stop the balancer with sh.stopBalancer() and if it is in the middle of doing someting that may take a minute before it returns
- backup config databases
- using mongodump
- stop one of our three config servers and copy its files
- backup each replica set
- start the balancer: sh.startBalancer()
How to restore it?
We would be to pull back these data files on to the appropiate machines and then start everything up.
After stopping the balancer on your sharded cluster, you may need to wait for a live migration to finish before the balancer stops. Type the command you would use in the mongo shell in order to stop the balancer.
Hint: It starts with the "sh" helper command...
Backup Strategies
To backup a sharded cluster:- stop the balancer
- mongo --host nameMongos --eval "sh.stopBalancer() --> (make sure that worked)
- backup config database / a config server
- mongodump --host nameMongos_or_nameConfigServer --db config
- backup all the shards
- Two ways:
- shut down a secondary in each replica set and grabbing its data files. if we have snapshotting, just grabbing a snapshot from each replica set of one node
- do a mongodump of each shard:
- mongodump --host shard_1_srv --oplog /backups/clusters/shard_1
- mongodump --host shard_2_srv --oplog /backups/clusters/shard_2
- ...
- mongodump --host shard_n_srv --oplog /backups/clusters/shard_n
- turn the balancer back on
- mongo --host nameMongos --eval "sh.startBalancer()
To take in mind:
If we have a 100 TeraBytes object or file, it can be stored in gridFS.
The drivers for mongo understand gridFS and have support for it.
There are command line tools for it.
- we might want to check that the cluster is healthy before you even begin.
- if we have replica sets, they can be up when a single server in the set is down
Additional Features of MongoDB
- Capped collections: they are circular queues where the data can age out a least-recently-inserted-order. These is used for mongodb replication oplog which is for the system profile collection
- They have to have a preallocated size
- we cannot delete document in these collections or grow them via update
- it can be very fast for doing inserts
- TTL collections: it autoages out of old documents creating an special index with the extra parameter named TTL
- GridFS: meaning grid files system, used to store files in mongodb. In mongodb the BSON size limit is currently 16Mbytes. If we store something larger, there is a facility for that called gridFS (a convention for chunking up large data files or binary objects in kind of a consistency mechanisme. Most of the drivers have built-in support for doing that when we need to do that. They are objects in mongo db collections, where they are broken in pieces that are say, 1 megabyte chunk if we will. Utilities:
- mongoFiles: put a file into mongodb into a gridFS collection or pull one out and reassemble it from its pieces.
You can store videos in mongoDB.
Restoring Data with MMS Backup
If we have a 100 TeraBytes object or file, it can be stored in gridFS.GridFS
The drivers for mongo understand gridFS and have support for it.
There are command line tools for it.
Hardware Tips
- fast CPU clock is more helpful than more cores (faster cores rather than more cores)
- RAM is good. Mongos does not require a lot of ram
- we definitely want 64 bits because mongo uses memory map files
- virtualization is OK but certainly not required. It runs pretty well on Amazon EC2 and it runs fine on VMWare
- disable NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access) machine
- SSD's (SOLID STATE DISKS) are good (reserve some empty space on the disk (unpartitioned))
- the file system cache is most of mongod's memory usage
- check readahead setting (small value)
The production notes are found at: docs.mongodb.org/manual/administration/production-notes
If a database is 100GB in size and has an equal amount of random read and write operations occurring, which hardware configuration is likely to perform better?
Additional Resources
- docs:
- driver docs:
- bug database / features
- jira.mongodb.org
- support forum
- google groups
- irc.freenode.net/#mongodb
- webchat.freenode.net
- github.com
- source code
- blog:
- @mongodb
- MMUGs (mongo meetup groups) in various cities around the world
- MMS (Mongo Monitoring Service)
martes, 17 de febrero de 2015
MongoDB for DBA's 6/7. Scalability. Homeworks
Homework 6.1
For this week's homework we will start with a standalone MongoDB database, turn it into a sharded cluster with two shards, and shard one of the collections. We will create a "dev" environment on our local box: no replica sets, and only one config server. In production you would almost always use three config servers and replica sets as part of a sharded cluster. In the final of the course we'll set up a larger cluster with replica sets and three config servers.
Download week6.js from Download Handout link.
Start an initially empty
Connect to it with the shell and week6.js loaded:mongod
database instance.mongo --shell localhost/week6 week6.jsRun
. It will take some time to run as it inserts quite a few documents. When it is done rundb.trades.stats()to check the status of the collection.
At this point we have a single mongod and would like to transform it into a sharded cluster with one shard. (We'll use this node’s existing
data in the cluster.)
Stop the mongod process. Now, restart the mongod process adding the option
. If you started mongod with a --dbpath
option, specify that as well.mongod --shardsvr …
sudo mongod --shardsvr --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb --logpath /var/log/mongodb/mongod00.log --port 27018 --fork --logappend --smallfiles --oplogSize 50
Note that with --shardsvr specified the default port for mongod becomes 27018.
Start a mongo config server:
mongod --configsvr …
sudo mongod --configsvr --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb/configdb --port 27019 --fork --logpath /var/log/mongodb/mongod00.log.cfg0 --logappend
(Note with
specified the default port for listening becomes 27019 and the default data directory /data/configdb. Wherever your data directory is, it is suggested that you verify that the directory is empty before you begin.)
Start a mongos:
mongos --configdb your_host_name:27019Connect to mongos with the shell:
mongo --shell localhost/week6 week6.jsAdd the first shard ("your_host_name:27018").
{ "shardAdded" : "shard0000", "ok" : 1 }
Verify that the week6.trades data is visible via mongos. Note at this point the week6 database isn't "sharding enabled" but its data is still visible via mongos:
> db.trades.find().pretty() > db.trades.count() > db.trades.stats()Run homework.a() and enter the result below. This method will simply verify that this simple cluster is up and running and return a result key.
Result: 1000001
Homework 6.2
Now enable sharding for the week6 database. (See sh.help() for details.)
{ "ok" : 1 }
Then shard the trades collection on the compound shard key ticker plus time. Note to shard a collection, you must have an index on the shard key, so you will need to create the index first:
> db.trades.ensureIndex( { ticker:1, time:1 } ) > // can now shard the trades collection on the shard key { ticker:1, time:1 }
sh.shardCollection("week6.trades",{ ticker:1, time:1 })
After sharding the collection, look at the chunks which exist:
> use config > db.chunks.find() > // or: > db.chunks.find({}, {min:1,max:1,shard:1,_id:0,ns:1})Run homework.b() to verify the above and enter the return value below.
Result : 3
Homework 6.3
Let's now add a new shard. Run another mongod as the new shard on a new port number. Use --shardsvr.
sudo mongod --shardsvr --dbpath /var/lib/mongodb/a1 --logpath /var/log/mongodb/mongod01.log --port 27020 --fork --logappend --smallfiles --oplogSize 50 --journal
Then add the shard to the cluster (see sh.help()).
sh.addShard( "localhost:27020")
You can confirm the above worked by running:
mongos> homework.check1()
db.getSisterDB("config").shards.count() :
There are 2 shards in the cluster as expected
> use config > db.chunks.find( { ns:"week6.trades" }, {min:1,max:1,shard:1,_id:0} ).sort({min:1})and/or:
db.chunks.aggregate( [ { $match : { ns : "week6.trades" } } , { $group : { _id : "$shard", n : { $sum : 1 } } } ] )When done, run homework.c() and enter the result value.That completes this week's homework. However if you want to explore more, something to try would be to try some queries and/or write operations with a single process down to see how the system behaves in such a situation.
Result: 2
miércoles, 11 de febrero de 2015
MongoDB for DBA's 6/7. Scalability
Chapter 6. SCALABILITY: Sharding setup, sharding monitoring, shard key selection, inserting large amounts of data
Sharding & Data Distribution
Shards : they are partitions where each one has different data (different documents). One document will live on one and only one shard and it is possible for documents to move for rebalancing purposes but in a given point in time the document let someone shard. It is used to scale-out the system data. We can also have a replication having the same documents in different members of a replica set for high availability and its safety and disaster recovery. In mongodb, the data distribution is based on a sharded key, and in a given collection the documents that have the same sharded key will be on the same shard member and documents who sharded key are closed to other sharded key because each shard member will have a range of documents (range based partitioning) corresponding with the sharded key. A given range if given key range will live on a particural shard.
Example: sharding key = customer name
- Shard 0 : range [A - Irene]
- Shard 1 : range [Irene - Maria]
- Shard 3 : range [Maria - Robert]
- Shard 4 : range [Robert - Zzzzzz]
We can have sharded key for differents collections.
Why range based ?
- The involve rangers will have an efficiency rate.
- The query will be done on a range efficiently
- Sorting can be quite useful
A field that has the boolean of value of either true or false would make for a good shard key:
Chunks & Operations
Chunk in mongodb is refered to all the documents in the key range.Operations with chunks that can have in the background:
- "Split": split the key range in two different key ranges because the limit of data has exceeded. That will make sure that there are no huge chunks and the data will be moved. This operations is unexpensive.
- "Migrate": it will do when "the balancer" sees there is a lack of balance between the number of shards on the different shards and decides to do migrations. This operations is more expensive because the data transfer between members. While the data is transfered, the system is still live and reads and writes of documents that were in the key range during the migration will execute.
It is possible to configure the size of each chunk which affects when they will be split. A large chunk size means chunks will be split less often as each chunk needs to grow larger before it is split, and a small chunk size means they will be split more often, for instance.
Which of the following statements are true regarding a very small chunk size configuration as compared to a large chunk size configuration? Check all that apply.
Sharding Processes
Each shard server will run one or more mongod processes storing data (with replica sets for instance). We will have multiple mongod's procecesses in multimple mongo servers witin a given shard. In a addition, we have config servers (small mongod's) which store the metadata of the clusters (chunks of the system).
There are one more component: the mongos process --> the data relying component. We can have any number of these and our clients will connect them to perform operations on the clusters. The mongos gives a connection from a client, a view of the whole cluster as a single logical entity and it does not need to worry about if a replica set o shard systems exists.
The mongos will talk about to everything as needed and to the config servers to get metadata and when a query comes in from a client, the mongos just started up, it will get a relevant metadata it needs to decide where to send the query from the config servers, and then, it will do the operation with the mongod's. If it comunicates with more than of those, it will merge data coming back on as-needed basis.
Properties of these different components:
- The mongos processes: have no persistent state. There has no data files. There are really kind of like a load balancer and they will get information they need on how to get the data and load it and route it from the config servers and they will cache that in RAM.
- The mongod's processes: are the data storers (database)
- The config servers: are the metadata store (contain which shard has the right data). We can run one config server, if we are running in a development on a laptop. There are three config servers in a production mongodb cluster in order to get consensus if one of them get failure. They have identical data with a copy of the metadata that they keep in sync. As long as one config server is up, the cluster is alive. If all three were down, the cluster would be down. If all three are not up, metadata changing operations like splits and migrates cannot happen
db.foo.find( { name : { $gt : "Joe", $lt : "John" } } )
is efficient if the collection is sharded on
{ name : 1 }
Cluster Topology
A Cluster setup minimun will be:- how many shards initially --> 4 shards
- replication factor --> R = 3
it will have 4x3=12 mongod processes in shard servers running from 4 mongos processes
Running on localhost
Example with 4 shards processes and 3 replica sets in one machinemkdir a0
mkdir a1
mkdir a2
mkdir b0
mkdir b1
mkdir b2
mkdir c0
mkdir c1
mkdir c2
mkdir d0
mkdir d1
mkdir d2
mkdir cfg0
mkdir cfg1
mkdir cfg2
Run the config servers:
mongod --configsvr --dbpath cfg0 --port 26050 --fork --logpath log.cfg0 --logappend
mongod --configsvr --dbpath cfg1 --port 26051 --fork --logpath log.cfg1 --logappend
mongod --configsvr --dbpath cfg2 --port 26052 --fork --logpath log.cfg2 --logappend
Run the shard servers:
mongod --shardsvr --replSet a --dbpath a0 --logpath log.a0 --port 27000 --fork --logappend --smallfiles --oplogSize 50
mongod --shardsvr --replSet a --dbpath a1 --logpath log.a1 --port 27001 --fork --logappend --smallfiles --oplogSize 50
mongod --shardsvr --replSet a --dbpath a2 --logpath log.a2 --port 27002 --fork --logappend --smallfiles --oplogSize 50
mongod --shardsvr --replSet b --dbpath b0 --logpath log.b0 --port 27100 --fork --logappend --smallfiles --oplogSize 50
mongod --shardsvr --replSet b --dbpath b1 --logpath log.b1 --port 27101 --fork --logappend --smallfiles --oplogSize 50
mongod --shardsvr --replSet b --dbpath b2 --logpath log.b2 --port 27102 --fork --logappend --smallfiles --oplogSize 50
mongod --shardsvr --replSet c --dbpath c0 --logpath log.c0 --port 27200 --fork --logappend --smallfiles --oplogSize 50
mongod --shardsvr --replSet c --dbpath c1 --logpath log.c1 --port 27201 --fork --logappend --smallfiles --oplogSize 50
mongod --shardsvr --replSet c --dbpath c2 --logpath log.c2 --port 27202 --fork --logappend --smallfiles --oplogSize 50
mongod --shardsvr --replSet d --dbpath d0 --logpath log.d0 --port 27300 --fork --logappend --smallfiles --oplogSize 50
mongod --shardsvr --replSet d --dbpath d1 --logpath log.d1 --port 27301 --fork --logappend --smallfiles --oplogSize 50
mongod --shardsvr --replSet d --dbpath d2 --logpath log.d2 --port 27302 --fork --logappend --smallfiles --oplogSize 50
Run the mongs processes:
mongos --configdb localhost:26050, localhost:26051,localhost:26052 --fork --logappend --logpath log.mongos0
mongos --configdb localhost:26050, localhost:26051,localhost:26052 --fork --logappend --logpath log.mongos1 --port 26061
mongos --configdb localhost:26050, localhost:26051,localhost:26052 --fork --logappend --logpath log.mongos2 --port 26062
mongos --configdb localhost:26050, localhost:26051,localhost:26052 --fork --logappend --logpath log.mongos3 --port 26063
It is important that clients talk to the mongod default server on 27017 port not directly to the servers. Best practices:
- Run mongos on the standard mongodb tcp port 27017. It gives the possibility to connect to the cluester for the rest of the world.
- Do not run shard servers mongod's nor config server on that default port 27017.
How many mongos processes should you run (generally)?
The Config Database
>use config
>show collections
Which are true?
Adding the Initial Shards
For each shard:- initiate the replica set connecting to the first shards mongod's
- ps -A | grep mongod | grep 2700
- Connect to mongo
- mongo --port 27000
- Configuration of replica set:
- rs.initiate()
- rs.add("localhost:27001")
- rs.add("localhost:27002")
- rs.conf()
- Disconnect from replica set
- "add" the shard to the cluster: sh.addShard(<>)
- Connect to mongos
- mongo
- sh.addShard("a/localhost:27000")
- rs.status()
Enable Sharding for a Collection
- turn on sharding for the database
- sh.shardCollection(<collection>,{<field name> : 1 }
In MongoDB v2.6, by default (i.e., if shardCollection hasn't been invoked) collections are:
Working with a Sharded Cluster
In general we will want to use the sharded key inquiries whenever possible on a shard collection. If not, the query will be sent to all the mongod's waiting for an answer. If we have one thousand of shard servers, we will have an overhead. If we create a new index of the field to query, it will send to the shard server that have the document using the appropiate chunk.
Cardinality & Monotonic Shard Keys
Thing to consider to select the shard key:- It usually is a field that involved the most of your queries. It is common in queries for the collection.
- To make sure that the shard key has suffient cardinality: There is enough values that ve can spread the data out from the collection to a lot of different shards
- To make sure that the shard key has good granularity to the shard ley values
- consider compound of shard keys in order to get granularity
- Is the key monotonically increasing ? BSON "2object id" fo this
Shard Key Selection Example
To choose shard key in "Orders collection". It depends on what kind of data will access- "_id": will be the best and efficiently option: { "_id": 1 }
- "company": { "company" : 1 }
- compounds key:
- { company : 1 , "_id" : 1}
- { company : 1 , "date" : 1}
Suppose we are building an email server system and have a collection:
messages -------- {_id:<message_id>, mailbox_id:___, sender_id:___, subject:___, date:___, body:___, read:<bool>, ... }We have millions of users (email addresses / mailboxes) so want to shard this collection. Of the choices listed, what's a good shard key?
Process & Machine Layout
We have:- shard servers (mongod --shardsvr)
- config servers (mongod --configsvr)
- mongos processes (mongos): possibilities:
- put the mongos process in the client to access to all of clusters. In this case all the traffic between the client and the mongos process will remain inside the client.
- run the mongos on every single server. The client would connect to any member to the cluster at random to the mongos that would be on that default mongo port 27017 and then, the mongos will talk to anything it needs to talk to in the whole cluster. Different client machines would connect to different mongos instances.
If I have 3 shards, 3 member replica sets, 3 config servers, and 6 mongos processes running, how many machines might we use for that?
Bulk Inserts & Pre-splitting
Normally we do not need to do but there are some situations where it can be quite useful, in particulary:- sometimes with bulk inicial loads: a case can be when we need to pre-split the initial key range manually because of the loading data into the shard server one is faster than we are migrating it out and we are creating a backlog in this shard server 1.
Generally speaking, shard keys with non-uniform key distributions are:
Further Tips & Best Practices
- Only shards the big collections
- Pick shard key carefully: You cannot change the shardkey once it is set. You wuld have to create a new collection and copy the data over to it.
- Considere pre-splitting some chunks on a bulk load
- Be aware to monotically increasing shard key values on inserts which could happen if we are sharded on a timestamp field or BSON Object values. It can be just fine, but we want to be aware of the behaviour.
- Adding new shards is easy but takes time because it's an online operation and it does not disrupt operations of cluster. However, once a shard is added, it's initially empty, so data has to move over to it. If eachs shard in the system has a few terabytes of data, it is going to take a while for data to migrate over to that, new shard gradually. We can not instantly and resources are required for that information to move over
- Always connect to talk to the cluster through the mongos process, not directly to the mongod's except for dba work where we really want to talk to a certain server and do someting that is administratative. It is important no to accidentally connect to mongod's. In order to prevent that, we can put the mongos on the default port (27017)
- Keep non-mongos precesses off of 271027 port to avoid mistakes.
- Use logical config server names for config servers rather than direct ip addresses or even host names. Otherwise, it is really hard to change the config servers later or replace one, as every machine in the whole cluster has a memory of what the config servers are. If we do change config servers, read the documentation on how to do that, because if some members of the cluster think that the server is a config server, an yet it is not, it is no good.
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